Who is Eligible to Learn and Perform Permanent Makeup in India?

Who is Eligible to Learn and Perform Permanent Makeup in India

If you are a creative person and an aesthete at heart, the world of permanent makeup can introduce you to an interesting and lucrative career. If you are thinking about a career change or if you already run a parlour, PMU is totally for you. There is great scope and money in this industry. 

The rate at which permanent makeup is becoming popular, even in small cities, it is guaranteed that permanent makeup will no longer be an exotic beauty treatment that only celebrities have access to. Common people – both working and non-working women- love permanent makeup. It saves time and effort for people, and this is the main reason why it is unbeatable when compared to actual makeup products. This is literally the best time to invest in a profitable skill, which will earn you great money just for making people look beautiful and more confident. The sooner you start, the more established you will be by the time more people start learning PMU. 

It doesn’t matter where you currently live and what your previous qualifications are! If you are on the fence about building a career out of permanent makeup, there is great news for you! 

Top three things needed to get started as a PMU artist in India:

  1. Get proper training from a legit place 
  2. Have a completion certificate as proof of your credibility 
  3. A stable hand and an eye for detail. 


The current position of the PMU industry in India

As permanent makeup is currently in its adoption stage in India, people having better access to high-quality training are mostly the privileged ones. Good training is available only in selected cities, and the training providers are very limited. It is being seen that a lot of actual doctors are providing PMU services in India. Seeing them, it may appear that you need to have an MBBS to be in the profession. But actually, it is not so.

Permanent makeup is also known as cosmetic tattooing. As it is very closely related to traditional tattooing, tattoo artists are one of the best people who should shift to PMU. Even if they don’t shift entirely, tattoo artists can additionally start providing PMU services besides normal tattooing after getting specialized training. 

The biggest requirement to have a career in PMU is a steady hand! If your motor skills are fine and you have the patience to work on very minute details on your client, you can become a PMU professional without any doubt. Besides that, you need to have a passion for the art as well! Unless you love what you do, it is difficult to be good at it consistently. And it will be very visible in your work. 

If you are sure that this occupation is for you, the next step is to find a trusted institution or training provider. Once you get your qualification, you need to put yourself out there and market yourself in every way possible. People will come to you for sure. But the only thing that will help in spreading the word of mouth in your favor is your consistent and good quality services. 

You can learn permanent makeup from us as well. Our academy, IAPMU has already trained more than 150 people and helped them start awesome careers in beauty. To know more about us and our training sessions, feel free to check out our services page. We conduct IAPMU Training sessions in selected cities every month. To check out the details/contact us here

About Ibrow: 

We are India’s first exclusive 3D eyebrow enhancement and Permanent Makeup brand. If you’re on edge about getting a Permanent Makeup (PMU) procedure done, we would recommend checking out our Instagram page or our gallery to see happy clients.

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